Boot Camp

Boot Camp

Think about what it would be like if your dog listened to you all the time.  Imagine being able to go to all the places you want to share with your dog.  Would you like to bring your best friend to DQ or Rita’s on a hot summer night?  Or perhaps go on a pleasant walk with your fuzzy buddy following right by your side on a loose leash.  Imagine your arms and hands not being SORE after that walk.  Imagine your dog coming politely to you when you simply say their name.  Imagine not being embarrassed or ashamed of your dog when friends, family or new people come into your life.  Imagine having an attentive, respectful, trustworthy, loyal companion who desperately wants to make you happy.  You can have that!  Your dog can BE that!  I guarantee it!  If you should be in need of some extra help after “Camp Tim”, or maybe you want to fine-tune some things, you can come by for a scheduled private lesson till you get the results you want!  Many of my Board & Train programs come with unlimited private lessons and training equipment included at no extra cost!


This program is for the family that wants the absolute best training experience for their dog. Drop your dog off at “Camp Tim” and pick up a highly TRAINED DOG that will behave in the city, suburb, and rural environment. You will get the benefits of an in-home program, not a doggy warehouse, which saves you valuable time and a lot of hard work! As well as the benefits of continued learning for your dog in a home environment.


I live on the property and train only a few dogs at a time. Your dog will be busy and happy every day. We even begin a fun activity before you drive away! All camp programs include multiple training, play, and potty sessions throughout the days. Training sessions consist of walks, games, hikes, and outings to busy retail environments. We train in the house also to fine tune housebreaking and work on your dog’s “inside voice”. The extra time spent at camp will make maintaining your DOG’S TRAINING so much easier! It will give your dog a stronger foundation with all of the commands which means your dog will be reliable with all of the commands sooner. Plus most of the Board and Train/Boot Camp Programs include unlimited private lessons to work on fine-tuning obedience after the initial training and you have had some time at home with your dog.


Our methods are fun and achieve fast results while also calming your dog. All of our Boot Camp Board and Train PROGRAMS include an extensive orientation on pick-up day. I customize each program specifically to suit your goals and your dog.