Our Bark Blog

4th of July: Dog Safety Edition

Independence Day is full of excitement – fireworks, BBQs, summer fun… this holiday is a blast for humans! However, your dog might not feel the same way. On average, humans can only hear between 20 hertz and 20,000 hertz… but dogs can hear sounds between 40 hertz and 60,000 hertz. This makes fireworks a painful and sometimes […]

Summer Safety

Summer is officially here! For dog owners, ‘tis the season for fetch, swimming, doggy play dates, fun outings and tons of summer fun with your pooches. However, just like every other season, summer has its dangers too. Keep your fun in the sun stress-free with these safety tips! Pack for the Pack Your dog sees you as the pack leader – […]

Does Your Dog Need Professional Training?

As a fur-parent, it’s important for your pooches to be well trained for their own safety, and to keep the chaos to a minimum. How do you know if your furry friends need more than at-home training? When is it time to call in the professionals? What kind of training does your dog need? Let’s dig in! Know the Signs […]

Dogs & Self-Esteem

Just like people, dogs experience high and low self-esteem. Can your pup’s self esteem impact dog training? What causes high- and low self-esteem in our canine friends? How do you know if your pup has low self esteem? Let’s start with the basics. What Does Self-Esteem Mean for Dogs? Self-esteem in humans describes our level of […]

Weird Things Dogs Do: Explained

Dogs can seem pretty doggone strange sometimes – but there’s always an explanation. Their unique instinctual behaviors and body language help them tell their two-legged parents what they need and how they’re feeling. Luckily, we’re here to translate! If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “Why does my dog do that?” then look no further – the answers you need […]

Spring Cleaning & Pupkeep

Spring is almost sprung! Keep your pooch as happy and healthy as a spring chicken (pun intended) by following these simple pup-keep tips. Hold Your Seahorses When the temperature finally starts warming up, it may be tempting to take your pooch for a fun swim session. However, even if the weather feels perfect for a quick splash, the water […]

Winter Wellbeing: How to Protect Your Pooch 

Winter weather isn’t just hard on humans; it can be tough on your dog too! Avoid seasonal dangers to your dog’s wellbeing with these simple tips and tricks for grooming, safety, and infurmation.  No Pupsicles Here! Even though dogs have fur to protect them from the elements, that fur isn’t always enough to keep them warm. Dog […]


Despite his size and muscle, this four-year old Husky used to be extremely shy and nervous around new people. He would whine and cower away from anyone he didn’t know, and sometimes act up by pulling on the leash. His owner decided that the two of them would start training sessions with us at Perfect […]


After finding his new forever home, Charlie’s adoptive parents wanted to get him the training that his old owners wouldn’t give him. Sadly, it’s common for dogs like Charlie that pull on the leash and jump too much to be given up on and abandoned. Luckily for Charlie, his mom and dad brought him to […]


Sometimes, the tiniest are the mightiest. Taco used to be a tiny-terror, closely following the text-book stereotype of a nippy chihuahua. She was so aggressive that she could spook dogs that were ten times her size with her bites and snarls. At three years old, her owners had tried everything they could think of to […]